6. Colin & Hilda Franco visit Zanzibar

Colin & Hilda Franco visit UK

What a pleasure having Colin & Hilda spend a few days with us.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Few more random photos below plus 71 photos in Photo Gallery Slideshow added. 

Dear Hilda and Colin, Francis & Sally, Clara, Dr. Betty Spry & Alan, Alex & Anna, Patsy, Grissy & Dina, Yvonne, Alan & Anita, Yvette, David, Molly & Jacob, Roque, Sandra & Maisey, Albert.

Just a quick 'Thank You' to all Colin & Hilda's friends for attending Sunday 21st November welcome party to host our guests from Rhode Island who were en route home spending a few days with Benny & Betty, after a hectic holiday in the Holy Land.

From many phone calls and messages received, it seemed everyone had a good fun day at 5 Parklands Way, Surrey. 

Unfortunately few other friends could not attend and have sent their good wishes. 
Colin & Hilda have asked us to convey their thanks to all their friends they met up with and equally thanking others who would have loved to attend but were unable due to previous commitments.

Betty & I equally wish to thank all for attending the Sunday celebrations and special thanks to Patsy for inviting Hilda and Colin and us to a lovely Thai Restaurant in Esher where we enjoyed a fabulous dinner with drinks and a night full of laughter. We spent a few good hours enjoying jokes from Zanzibar and we were in stitches listening to Patsy's experience in the Film Industry where she is involved with top Movie Stars and Celebrities. What a great evening. Thanks Patsy. 

Colin & Hilda have promised to send us some of their holiday photographs which I will add to this Blog Spot.

As a token of rememberance of our fun day, please click on the link below to view some photographs taken at random.

We wish Colin & Hilda a safe journey home and hopefully we will meet up again in the future.

Please click on this link below to view a photo gallery slide show &
please wait for a few good seconds for the photos to download.

Betty & I convey our grateful thanks for all the lovely gifts and kind messages.

Benny & Betty



Below - Monday 22 November 2010
Patsy invites Colin, Hilda, Betty & Benny to dinner

A Great evening full of fun and laughter.

Few Comments
Hello Betty and Benito,

Thank you for an absolutely wonderful time on Sunday; we thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the day and it was so good to be able to see so many Zanzibaris; also it was a special treat for Sally.

Thanks a million

Thanks again

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Dear B & B,

I've run out new words to thank you for your, second -to - none, hospitality.

Well, -- you've done it again, another fabulous and amazing feast . I've said it before and will say it again, Betty, your style and extraordinary generosity in every sphere, leaves us all standing dazed in a state of inadequacy.
And Benny, only you know how to weave magic with music and good humour. You are truly blessed with talents.

Tell Yvette is was a pleasure to meet up with her. She is a treasure............ balmy, for sure, but nonetheless a treasure. charming, beautiful, an easy social mixer with all age groups and a God send at parties. What a girl !

Safe journey wishes to Colin and Hilda . It was lovely to see them again .

Love to you all,

betty - s
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Patsy writes ….. (extract taken from note to the "A" team members).
The special lunch party that B & B threw for Hilda and Colin was a tremendous treat - an incredible variety of incredibly tasty food (as only Betty can do), with loads of their friends there. Benny & Yvette singing, with Colin adding his talent at guitar playing into the mix. A great afternoon, evening, night. Thank you both again for a lovely time. M & P, Rooky, John and Toto you were missed
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Dear Betty and Benny

Thank you very much for the invitation to your party yesterday. Excellent food, entertainment and company - what more could one want.Thank you.
Love Alan
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Hi Ben I tried to phone you today at 12.15 I guess you were both out spending your money. 
Just to say thank you for sending me the pictures of Collin and Hilda's party they have come good, The party was really fab-u lous. Like Craig would say on come dancing.... The food was very delicious and the booze to say the least we could just go to the bar and help ourselves. Pity I was driving back home. You and Betty know how to party. She kept us feeding with the starters and I must say the a..... danda bajias very stunning brought back some memories of Zanzibar and the food was just mouth watering. How much of the sweat went in ? Just a joke Ben........... 

And that was not all, to say the least... her deserts were also to die for... and to crown it all she gave us tea coffee and cakes where would you get such hospitality? Even if you went to the Ritz or Dorchester you will not get such food and to top it, one would come home without any change in the when you paid the bill at the Ritz hotel or Dorchester..... We all went home belly full. I should have stayed the night.

Ben and Betty many thanks for inviting me to your party I really had a good time although I was a bit low on the edge of getting a cold with a mild symptom of dried cough and slight body shiver. When I hugged Betty Spry all the symptoms disappeard. 

Ben you are blessed with lovely children and grand children. Yvette is out of this world. She is so adorable, kind and a real fun loving kid. And she has not changed from the last time I met her in Goa for the reunion. She is a party goer and sings with feelings etc ...... 

Regards to you both. Albert
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Hi Benny & Betty

What a lovely place and home to have a party and be amongst such good friends. I'm sure Hilda & Colin were thrilled and surprised to meet everyone.
Such a wonderful spread of food on the table .... and the live music to go with it too. Great photos to add to your collection. Everyone looked to be having a fabulous time.
Where do you find the energy to do all this?
Sorry to have missed it all.
Cheers to you !!

Regards to all

Rommel & Susan

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Lovely phone calls from Anita, Grissy, Sandra, Dina, Yvonne, Clara & Anna.
Invited guests who could not attend are : Derek & Diana, Astrid & Leo, Myrna, Darrel & Vivecca - all left for Goa just a day before the party. Goa will be buzzing.
Others missed due to prior engagements are Rommel & Susan, Juliet & Daphnie and Clarisse. 

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