1. Holiday Planning Guide

Holiday Planning Guide

We have listed some guideline information links to help you plan your holiday, covering your travel, hotels, places of interest, excursions & other general information.

Please Note - Please note that some of the links below are courtesy of TripAdvisor. We are not responsible for the content of external sites & you are reminded to check any details thoroughly when contacting them and before making a booking.

You can view many holiday photographs on our websites below.

You are most welcome to contact us for more information on my personal Email: bennydesouza@btinternet.com

(CLICK on the Links of your choice below to view).


Since 2004 we have been connected to Madeira Tours under Director TONY MADEIRA who has handled all our bookings with the major 5 star hotels and our excursions. Tony also pays special attention to look after any problems that may arise with all holiday makers. 
We recommend before you make any plans to visiting Zanzibar, speak to TONY MADEIRA.
 Please oblige and click on the
titled  (Yellow) links below to view.


Benny & Betty's guide - Sky is the limit of various hotels.
If you are travelling for the first time and wish to explore Zanzibar to its fullest, we recommend you do not go for the very expensive 5 star All-Inclusive hotels as much of your time would be travelling daily to various places of interest, some detailed below.

As we are seasoned travellers to Zanzibar, we often spend a couple of days in town at the TEMBO hotel and move North East to one of several best 5 star hotels all-inclusive where we enjoy the beautiful beaches and blue waters for swimming. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinners just great and spoilt for choice. 

Night time entertainment after dinner often Live Bands/Cabaret.

On the odd day we go to town exploring the local market and also enjoying a couple of excursions.

TONY MADEIRA will help you with your hotel bookings also gives good discounts as Tony is connected with all major hotel managers.
P.S. For choice of 5 star all-inclusive hotels we have stayed,
often as a group with friends, check the holiday blogs on our 2 websites.

Highly recommended very best


Dear Members SJCSZ & KPZ
More useful information will soon follow. Watch this space if
you are planning a holiday to Zanzibar.
(This is a first draft with changes/improvements to follow).
Many thanks - Benny

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